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In order to control spending, organizations can configure travel services to allow certain kinds of bookings and disallow others. For example, a company may have a travel policy that allows executives to fly business class, while non-executive employees are allowed only to fly coach/economy class. By assigning travelers to separate “Groups”, it is possible for you to assign different rules to various types of users. A user’s access to services and other options is determined by the groups to which the user belongs.
Benefits and Need to Know
Task | Process / Helpful HintBenefits / Need to Know |
Benefit | |
Need to Know | |
Task | Process / Helpful Hint |
Define Groups | Examples: |
along guest groupHint: Group guest groupHint: and EveryoneHint: |
Define Profile Field | Define profile field you will use to capture policy group. Hint: Dedicate a profile field to be used specifically for configuring different policies. Use this dedicated field anytime you may need to define more than VIP, Guest and Default/Everyone groups.
Example: Dedicate one of the MIS Fields. |
Click on Click on
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Click on Click in box to the right of the MIS field7 and change the name to Policy Group
Image Removed Image AddedReminder: The Field Name is the name used when programming your Profile and PNR mapping, whereas the Display Name is what the customer will see |
Click the checkbox to the left of Profile Load
Also the Click on radio button to the left of All Users
Check boxes to the left of: Agent Editable, Admin Editable
Check first box to the right of these fields, under the Display in Setting column
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click on Define the policy groups within the profile field by clicking on
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Click on When uploading profiles through an
Image RemovedClick on Field Type and select List
Under Field Type Preference: List enter policy groups
Note: Before the equals sign will be what the customer will see, what is after the equals sign will be written to the GDS. Therefore keep in mind GDS character restrictions when entering data after the equals sign.
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file, the data after the equals sign is what you will need to enter into the upload/feed. upload/feedNote: Due to GDS restrictions please be sure to refrain from using special characters such as (%^^&$#@!, etc.) after the equals sign. Hint: It is best to enter the list in alpha/numberic order, as this makes it much easier to add and remove data from the field. |
In this example I have entered the following
Default=Default - Indicates Everyone Group
Manger=Manager - Indicates Manger GroupClick on VIP=VIP Group - Indicates VIP Group
client no entry been madeClick on Save
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Click on Click on Add a New Group, if and you need to create one. is available click on Note: The garbage can with a red X indicates group is applied to rules |
, without the X indicates rules currently not applied to rules
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(Optional) Note: Typically only the Service Rules are applied to all groups, as the others are inherited. |
You will always check this box in configurations - (Inherited do not check this box). Display Options Rules: Display configuration, date, time, currency and time
zone - Inherited.Helpful hint: Typically only checked if your site is an international site where members of one group are for example located in the UK and others are located in the US. You would then check this box to select different currency, measurement, and time zone displays for each groupzone (Inherited do not check this box unless you need groups to default to a different display configuration, such as US and UK). Web Services Rules: Profile sync
- (Inherited, do not check this box unless the group is to sync to a different PCC or company profile). Mobile Rules: Allows for mobile access
- (Inherited, do not check this box unless a group should not have access to the Deem mobile app, while another group should have access). Dynamic Profile Attribute Assignment Rules: (No longer used
in configurations
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for defining each group:which will define the group. Remember the Data fields are case sensitive, you need to enter the data point in exactly how you have it in the profile field, and in the case of the guest data field, duplicate how you entered the name in the user account.
Note: In this example I am configuring for a Manager, VIP and Guest group. Anyone who does not fall under one of these groups, will fall under the Everyone group. |
from drop-down menu to the right of User. Clarification Drop-down:
EqualsBecause we have a guest group
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from drop-down menu to the right of User
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Enable Service Rules | Prior to testing, validate the Service Rules have been activated for each group. You will need to activate each group that is not currently active. |
Access Service Rules to activate the group/groups that are not active
Note: You can go back to the service rules to fully configure later
Click on Rules tab
Click on Service Rules
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Image RemovedTest Groups |
Test Group | Be sure to run a few tests to ensure profiles are being passed to the appropriate group. There are two ways to verify if this is working as you intended. Both will require you to have profiles built in the site, either test accounts or client accounts. First test to confirm group is working: |
traveler profilesClick on User tab
Click on Edit User
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Image Removed Image AddedSecond test to confirm group is working: |
Click on Click on group
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