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nameGuest Booking_21OCT2225AUG23.pdf


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Table of Contents

Benefits and Tips




Helpful Hint

When creating Guest Traveler, make sure to use the following criteria when naming the profile

  • First Name: Guest

  • Last Name: Traveler

  • Email/User ID:

    If you need to create more then one guest account for example specify department, or name, see below examples






    • Allows Guest booking access to one or more individuals within a company.

    • Ability to control bookings for a non-profiled traveler.


  • Accounts with delegate access to the guest account will have access to all travel purchased within the account

    • Best Practice: Create multiple guest accounts 

      • For example: Your client may have an HR and a Finance department, and each department may only want to see bookings related to their specific department. In this case, you will want to create separate guest accounts for HR and Finance.

    • Non-profiled traveler information is entered on the purchase page: Name, birthdate, travel reward programs, passport etc.

    • Best Practice: Option 1


    Guest Setup Option 1


    Process / Helpful Hint

    Guest user account(s) assigned to Delegates

    Guest accounts where delegates or delegates are assigned to a guest account.  Allowing them to change the name on the purchase page, and provide traveler’s personal information. You can create more than one guest account.  This is typically done if

    Grants access to specific guest user account, allowing a delegate(s) to book travel on the behalf of a non-profiled traveler. 

    Note: Those assigned to the Guest User account will see all travel booked with the account. If the client has more than one department who will book for guests,


    they may want each department to

    see only

    have their own guest


    booking account. This will ensure that they only have access to guest travel for their department (HR, Finance)

    • Setting up and Managing Groups

    • Create Group using the parameter of First Name equals Guest

    • Create Guest accounts using the First Name as Guest, and Last Name as Traveler

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    Enable Change Name on Purchase Page

  • Set up Display Configuration for Guest traveler group

  •  Enabling the ability


    Take the following steps to configure this Option:

    • Update Display Configurations to allow all users within the group to change traveler name on the purchase page

    • Click Services Tab

    • Click Display Configurations

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    • Click Display Configuration List

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    • Copy display configuration that best matches what you would like to mirror

      • Click Copy to the right of the display configuration

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    • Update Configuration Name: Guest – Display

    Image RemovedMove
    • .

      •  Move down to Enable User to change the Traveler Name on the Purchase page and

    click the radio button next to “Yes” Another
      • select Yes.

      • Another option will

      • display: Default the Change Traveler option to check, select Yes.

    Click “Yes”Image Removed
    • Move to the bottom of the screen and click Save

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    • Now you will need to add the Guest Display Configuration to a Set. This allows you to add it to the Rules.

    •  Click Display Configurations Sets

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    •  Click Add a New Display Configuration Set

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    • Name Set: Guest Display Config

    • Click Add Config

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    • Click Save

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    Set up Service Rules

    Commit Changes to Site

    • Click Changes not applied at the top of the screen

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    • You will see all uncommitted changes you have made. Click Commit

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    • You have successfully committed all changes

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    Create Guest User Account

    When creating Guest Traveler, make sure to use the following criteria when naming the profile

    First Name: Guest
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    • Verify Service Rules have been configured, and the correct display configurations has been assigned.

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    • Commit Changes.

    • Create Guest user accounts.

    • Suggestion when creating guest user account(s).

    If more then one specify department, or name as in below examples
    • Assign delegates to Appropriate Guest user account.

    Important: Inform clients to not change the name within the guest profile, this will affect the booking process, and


    will cause issues with finding the account

    . Name will be asked for along with the traveler's personal information

    , and the ability to change the name on the purchase page.

    • Non-profiled traveler information is entered on the purchase page: Name, birthdate, travel reward programs, passport etc.

    Guest Setup Option 2


    Process / Helpful Hint

    Guest who can book their own travel

    Allows Agency or client employees with Dashboard access to create accounts for a guest, and send activation email.  Allowing the guests of the company to book their own travel, and adhere to company policy. 

    Setting up and Managing Groups

    • Create Group using the parameter of External ID starts with Guest.

    Image RemovedNote: When creating an account you will need to make sure the
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    • Admin will create account as follows:

      • External ID starts with Guest

    and that each account created is different.
      • .

    Note: In the example below I

    am created in the External ID as

    have created the user account with the ExternalID of Guest followed by first name, last initial all ran together.

    All other fields are

    • Update the remaining fields with the guest

    email address
    • user’s information.

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    • Create Group using the parameter of Job Level equals Guest.

    Note: You can use use any profile field for this option such as one of the MISFields.

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    • Create Guest accounts

    using the First Name as Guest, and Last Name as Traveler
    • as a normal user account, and assign reporting field of Guest to the account.

    Note: TMC or client


    admin with Dashboard/Console access will want to run a profile extract

    to make sure that they are ensuring

    periodically to insure all profiles which are no longer required  are deactivated. Concern with this Option: This can become a logistical nightmare, keeping track of guest accounts which should or should not be active.

    Guest Setup Option 3


    Process / Helpful Hint

    Allow all travelers to book for guest

    Enables all travelers to change the traveler’s name on the purchase page and book for guests.

     Set up Display Configuration for Guest traveler group

     Setting up and Managing Display Configurations
    • Update Display Configurations to allow all users within the group to change traveler name on the purchase page.

      •  Move down to Enable User to change the Traveler Name on the Purchase page and

    click the radio button next to YESNote
      • select Yes.

      • Another option will display: Default the Change Traveler option to check, select No.

      • Click link for further information: Display Configuration.

    Image Added
    • Concern with this Option: Opens up access for employees to book personal travel.

    Guest Setup Option 4


    Process / Helpful Hint

    Create Guest User profiles for each Traveler

    • Follow the same steps as Option 1, but you will create a guest profile for each individual employee.

      • You will then need to assign the employee’s profile as a delegate to the guest profile you created for them.

    • Concern with this Option: Not recommended, as this option requires significant upkeep, and logistical nightmare.